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FERPA Policy

FERPA Policy Responsible Executive: Registrar Responsible Office: Academic Unit Effective Date:1996 Last Reviewed: 4/8/2024 Revised: 4/8/2024; 2/12/2024; 3/7/2022 POLICY STATEMENT HJ International Graduate School for Peace and Public Leadership (“HJI” or the “Institution”) protects the privacy of students’ education records through compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. §1232g; 34 CFR Part 99). This Policy defines the procedures available to students to give them appropriate access to personal records while protecting their confidentiality. SCOPE This...

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Due Process/Grievance Procedures

Due Process/Grievance Procedures Academic Grievances A graduate student with a complaint relating to academic work may appeal for review according to the following procedure: The student must first consult with the Faculty member involved. Most cases should be resolved at this level. A student who chooses to appeal the matter further may bring it to the Provost. The complaint should be in writing when the student meets with the Office of the Provost. If the matter is not resolved by this administrator, the student may appeal in writing to an ad hoc Grievance Committee, which shall consist...

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