Facilities and Resources
New York City Campus
4 West 43rd Street New York, NY 10036 | Phone: (212) 563-6647
Located in mid-town Manhattan in the heart of New York City, the HJI campus seeks to provide the opportunity for its students to participate in academic and co-curricular programs and activities in preparation for roles in ministry and public leadership. HJI is located at 4 West 43rd St. in Midtown Manhattan near the New York Public Library, two blocks from Grand Central Station and five blocks from the United Nations.
The campus provides exciting and enriching educational opportunities to increase the effectiveness of current and future leaders in ministry, public leadership, and interreligious peacebuilding. The Graduate School offers faculty roundtables which address topics of research and programming of interest to the wider HJI community. Open House events introduce interested students and applicants to HJI, where they may sit in on selected classes to see firsthand what HJI has to offer.
HJI has partnered with the American Clergy Leadership Conference (ACLC) in sponsoring prayer breakfasts and other clergy-based programs. HJI has collaborated with the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Baha’i Community, the New Synagogue of NYC, and the International Gurukula Community as part of its commitment to interfaith dialogue and understanding.
The HJI Library maintains a collection of books, theses and dissertations, audio/media resources and periodicals. The library subscribes to ProQuest, an online database. Students can access thousands of journals and articles that cover a wide range of topics from their personal computers or terminals available in the library. Students also have access to online writing resources including WorldCat, citation guides and the Owl.
An Information Commons is located in the HJI Library which has a computer facility where students can conduct personal research, engage in group projects, and participate in information literacy workshops.
As the New York City campus is home to some of the best libraries in the world, HJI students can utilize the resources of school libraries in the New York area through our membership in the New York Area Theological Library Association (NYATLA).