Community life within the Institution reflects the varied backgrounds of students, staff and faculty, all sharing a common commitment to and a quest for true love and authentic discipleship.
Developing a rich personal relationship with God through prayer and worship is the most important dimension of life at HJI. At both locations, students organize daily worship. The chapel services bring noted speakers and serve as a venue for student groups to lead worship.
Students may also attend services at other local houses of worship to broaden their understanding of worship traditions and to add to their spirituality.
Personal spiritual formation at HJI is fostered through participation in chapel. Students are encouraged to attend when they are on campus. Spiritual formation is also enriched by service. Extra curricular responsibilities on campus and service projects in the local area offer many opportunities to serve.
The student body is comprised of people from diverse nations and religious backgrounds with a rich variety of perspectives and life experiences. Sharing out of their diverse cultures, student fellowship offers opportunities to broaden cultural horizons and develop facility in intercultural communication.
Seminars and conferences organized by students and faculty on both campuses focus on issues and topics of great value for the students. These programs bring students and faculty together in dialogue to enrich each student’s spiritual and ministerial life.
Student Code of Conduct
All students are expected to conduct themselves with dignity, courtesy, responsibility and integrity and with due respect for the rights of others. Purity, sobriety and morality are not only characteristics of a mature and responsible person, but are essential to the maintenance of a free and orderly community. Students are required to sign the Student Code as a pledge of their willingness to uphold the ethical and moral standards of HJI.
The Student Code
I commit myself before God:
- To develop my relationship with God and to respect people of other faiths.
- To uphold and live according to the highest moral and ethical standards in my personal life and relations with others;
- To respect the diversity of cultural and religious traditions of those around me;
- To attend enrolled classes and fulfill academic responsibilities with honesty and integrity;
- To pursue my religious vocation or career path with integrity upon graduation.
I recognize that admission to HJI is a privilege, and hereby make my sincere commitment in heart and action to the guidelines of this code, and to all standards of the Graduate School as described in the Student Handbook.
The HJ International Graduate School for Peace and Public Leadership reserves the right to place on probation, suspend or dismiss at its discretion, any student who fails to maintain a satisfactory academic record, acceptable personal behavior, sufficient standard of health, or who fails to comply with the Student Code. However, every student is guaranteed due process as outlined in the Student Handbook.
Student Life
Admission to HJI guarantees the student the right to pursue the course of study to which he or she is admitted. Each student will be treated with the dignity appropriate to an adult person in all matters relating to the Institution. In the same spirit, the student shall comply with all the policies, rules and regulations of the institution.
New Student Orientation
An orientation program is held for new students at the beginning of each term. The program acquaints students with the mission and purpose of HJI, its organizational structure, curriculum, library and other facilities, daily routine, student services and activities, and student rights and responsibilities.
Interfaith Community Life
HJI is building a multi-faith teaching and learning community of faculty, staff and students united in a vision for world peace through ideal families, or “one family under God.” It is open to the schools, religious bodies and individuals of faiths other than Unificationism, in particular in the local area. Effort is made to provide spiritual resources for students of different faiths, facilitating their connection to local houses of worship.
Student Government
A Graduate Student Council consisting of student officers, student representatives, and the Associate Dean of Student Life supervises student life at HJ International in order to maintain a cohesive and healthy community. The Graduate Student Council meets regularly to discuss and organize student-led activities and events. The Graduate Student Council President chairs the meetings. Elections are held each year to elect the members of the Council. The student officers and representatives function as the major link between the Graduate Student Council and the student body, coordinating activities and assisting in advising and organizing tasks to be accomplished. Students also may participate in student committees and serve as representatives on certain faculty and administrative committees. Ad hoc student groups may be formed to meet specific needs.