Academic Programs
HJ International serves students of the Unification and the Christian tradition and welcomes students from all of the world’s religions. Many international students come to HJI in order to receive theological education within an American cultural milieu. This adds to the rich diversity of the HJI community.

HJI offers four graduate degree programs. HJI also offers a six-course (18-credit) Certificate in Unification Leadership.
The Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) Program is a non-residential program aimed at developing ministerial leadership and public leaders at an advanced level. Courses are taught through intensives over a two year period. Students then take one to three years to complete their dissertation project. Student have a choice of two concentrations.
The Master of Divinity (M.Div.) Program is a three-year course of full-time study (12 to 15 credits per semester) to prepare men and women for church and pastoral leadership.
The Master of Religious Education (M.R.E.) Program is a two-year program of full-time studies (12 credits per semester plus a summer or winter internship of 2 credits) that prepares students for a variety of lay ministries. It prepares students for educational ministries and work within their faith community and emphasizes sound principles of religious educational programming. This program is no longer offered and interested students are encouraged to consider the Master of Arts in Religious Studies or the Master of Divinity.
The Master of Arts in Religious Studies (M.A.) is a two-year advanced academic degree of full-time studies (12 credits per semester) that provides students with an understanding of the Judeo-Christian and Unification tradition as well as theological and practical insights into the major world religions and their impact on today’s society. The M.A. in Religious Studies offers students a choice of four concentrations that address life in today’s intercultural and interreligious global community. The concentrations are Interfaith Peacebuilding, Public and Non-Profit Leadership, Unification Studies and Theological Studies. It is also an ideal degree for those students wishing to pursue either doctoral studies or further study in a specific field of theological inquiry.
The Master of Arts in Peace Studies is a 42-credit graduate degree program that is available fully online. By taking two courses each term and during the summer, students can complete the program in two and a half years. Students are only accepted in this program in the fall of each academic year. The program provides students with the knowledge and skills needed by peace professionals. It dedicates particular attention to the study of conflict analysis and transformation and pays special attention to the impact of religion and culture on intra-state and inter-state relations. The program is designed for individuals who intend to pursue careers in public service through intergovernmental organizations, government agencies and non-governmental organizations. The faculty and staff in the program work collaboratively with the Universal Peace Federation, a Unification-related NGO with more than 120 national chapters, which holds general consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.