HJI Library maintains a collection of over 240,000 digital books, 4,500 print books, video, media and theses and dissertations. Patrons can access hundreds of thousands of full-text scholarly journal articles through the ProQuest platform from their personal devices or terminals available in the Library.
Patrons can avail themselves to workstations and study tables and have a beverage while they conduct academic research, engage in group projects and participate in Information Literacy workshops in the Library Information Commons which is located within the library.
New York City is home to premier public and private libraries. As such, HJI students can also utilize the resources of other seminary libraries in the New York area through our consortia memberships. Likewise, patrons can access the online services and digital resources of all three New York public library systems. Students are also encouraged to meet with the Librarian in person, remotely or schedule an in-person consultation for extended assistance on their research needs.