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The United Nations and Ending the Scourge of War

Thomas J. Ward, UTS President and Professor of Peace and Development, was the first speaker of this academic year’s monthly Faculty Roundtable, which took place on September 30th. Dr. Ward’s topic was “The United Nations and Ending the Scourge of War.”

The title reflects the Preamble of the United Nations Charter, highlighting the UN’s commitment to preventing another tragic conflict that would engulf the globe, as did World War I and II.

Ward’s presentation appreciated the important role that the UN plays in fostering dialogue not only in the halls of the Security Council or the General Assembly that are often marked by vigorous, even heated debate, but also in discreet venues such as the cafeterias and sitting rooms of the United Nations Headquarters where delegates representing different sides of the debate meet to calmly identify and outline steps needed to avoid or to diffuse conflicts.

Dr. Ward’s presentation pointed to the significance and value of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (2015-2020) but also to the need for prudence and restraint in navigating interpretations of the SDGs vis-à-vis those of the UN Charter and the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights.

Click here to view the recording of Dr. Ward’s presentation, and stay tuned for the details of our next Roundtable event!