The 1st Amendment to the US Constitution

On September 26, HJI honored US Constitution Day with a Faculty Roundtable entitled “The 1st Amendment to the US Constitution: Its Importance for Religious Freedom”. This program was presented by HJI Adjunct Professor of Criminal Justice and Human Security, William Lay, JD. The event was hosted by HJI President, Dr. Thomas Walsh. Steven Boyd, Dean of Enrollment Management and Student Life, gave welcoming remarks.
Dr. Walsh explained that “Constitution Day was enacted by a law of Congress in 1952 initially, and amended in 2004-5 to stipulate that institutions of higher education should honor Constitution Day annually on or around September 17.” He expressed that “HJI honors that tradition, not just because it was requested by an act of Congress, but because of a deep respect and love for the US Constitution.”
Professor Lay began his presentation with an in-depth historical background on the First Amendment. He also discussed the Establishment Clause and how it applies to prominent questions such as “Can the state authorize a voluntary, non-denominational prayer in a public school?”, “Can the state provide tuition vouchers for use in schools, including religious schools?”, or “Can the 10 Commandments be displayed in a courthouse?”. Professor Lay discussed the Free Exercise Clause and how it has impacted various court cases. Professor Lay concluded his presentation by highlighting that “If the Supreme Court maintains its current trend of enhanced respect towards religions, and if the court itself can maintain its legitimacy, […] it appears that the First Amendment will continue to offer significant protection to religious liberty.”
A thought-provoking dialogue between Professor Lay and Dr. Walsh ensued, addressing a broader concern regarding potential distortion or abuse of first amendment rights.The program concluded with meaningful questions from the participants in attendance on various topics touched on by Prof. Lay.
You can watch the recording here.
The next Faculty Roundtable, will be held on Tuesday, October 29 at 7pm ET. The speaker will be Dr. Ronald Brown who will share his expertise on “The Religions of South Africa: Chosen Peoples and Promised Lands.” Please be on the lookout for an email invitation.