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Home of Thought: Perspectives from the Unification Theological Seminary

Unification Theological Seminary is excited to announce the launching of a new YouTube series, Home of Thought: Perspectives from the Unification Theological Seminary.

The purpose of this series is to introduce UTS staff, students, and alums who have interesting projects to the public. The series does not focus only on theologians or academic presentations, but also hopes to spotlight service projects, human interest stories, and other interesting works. The hope is to begin building an informational library of sorts – the Unification perspective on different topics.

The first video in the series features our own Dr. Theodore Shimmyo, who shares about the Unification perspective on the Bible. He answers key questions, such as how much Unificationists appreciate the BIble; what did Father Moon mean when he referenced the authority of the Bible; whether or not it’s necessary to interpret the Bible, and what the relationship is between the Bible and the Divine Principle.

You can watch the first episode of Home of Thought here!

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