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End of Year Giving

In the beginning years of the 21st Century we still find a world desperately in need of truth. Each and every day, people conduct their lives based on cultural pressures and on popular opinion, rather than the abiding truth found by studying the history of God’s providence and the life-giving guidance He has given through His prophets and through a personal relationship with us.

For more than 40 years Unification Theological Seminary (UTS) has been preparing servant-leaders who through their word and deed give testimony to God’s continuous investment to build the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. At UTS God is not taught as a concept or an afterthought, but is introduced as the living parent of all human kind, the Heavenly Parent.

UTS Mission

“The Unification Theological Seminary offers educational programs in an interfaith context, which cultivate the heart, mind and spirit; bridge religious and cultural divides; promote leadership, service and engagement with the world; and provide tools for success in ministry and professional life.  UTS is committed to the Unification vision of one global family under God.”

UTS equips students with the skills and expertise to shoulder the great responsibility to serve our Heavenly Parent and help to bring the “one global family” into reality; to develop in those students the resources that allow God to work with them and through them; and to foster in them the capacity to persevere through the trials and tribulations. To never give up.

More than 1600 UTS alumni now serve throughout the world, in over 65 nations.

The mission is not over, it has only just begun. New strategies emerge to leverage changing technologies; new answers emerge to tackle situations and problems which we may never have dreamed possible. Come what may, UTS students and graduates are called to step up and lead.

Many wonderful students are currently studying at UTS in New York and in Maryland. They resemble a tapestry of the human family. In January more students will register. Your investment in these students will multiply countless times over as they too graduate and then go out to help heal a fractured world. Invest in these students so they can benefit from a learning environment to help them optimize their training in the few short years they have dedicated to learning at UTS.

Many of us may be thinking about the gifts we meant to give during the year in 2015, and yet, somehow, did not make or have the time to do it. Please take a moment in this hectic holiday season and join with me and give support to UTS.

It could be a one-time gift or a monthly contribution

If you are in the USA, gifts to UTS are tax deductible. To get that deduction for 2015, then please have the money transferred by bank check, credit card or a direct payment from the bank before December 31, 2015.