“Divine New York …”

How religions have shaped the greatest city in the world, the Empire City
The new UTS website was launched at the beginning of April, and the response to the new design and features has been terrific. The fresh new look of the website heralds further developments in engaging our stakeholders, our alumni, and an ever wider audience.
The Communications Team is endorsing online courses to be part of an energized communications campaign which re-positions UTS in the emerging 21st century landscape of theological and religious education; exploring new ways to add value, be relevant and tap into new income streams. Toward the end of January 2016, the concept for the online courses took shape. The Team looked to the talent at the heart of UTS, the strength of its faculty, the UTS professors. They have expert knowledge and abundant material to share with thousands. The trick is to make it interesting.
Since the beginning of February, the UTS Communications Team has been meeting regularly with UTS’ Professor Ronald Brown, an expert on New York history. We have used the latest online video-conferencing technology to help him prepare his outline for the pilot course, “Divine New York: How religions have shaped the greatest city in the world, the Empire City.” The filming of the course took place on a Saturday in mid-April. Editing and final production is now underway and the 6 module course will be available on Udemy at the end of May, 2016.