Book Review: A Heart Made Whole

A Heart Made Whole by Farley Jones
Farley Jones numbers among the earliest American followers of Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han. An alumnus of Unification Theological Seminary, he served as President of the Unification Church, as Chairman of the UTS Board of Trustees, and as a long-time Trustee of the Church in the United States.
He has recently authored a spiritual autobiography entitled A Heart Made Whole that provides an open window into the early Unification Church movement. Readers, regardless of their religious beliefs, will find that this book recounts a sincere, honest spiritual journey of a couple in search of a loving God that is tested and true. As an American who has dealt with the role played by Korean culture in the application of the teachings of the Rev. Moon, Farley Jones takes the reader through his own quest for God’s love, that includes grappling with the church’s demanding leadership style as well as the leadership roles with which he himself grappled.
Farley shares emotional challenges in the light and dark times of fulfilling a calling side-by-side with the carrying out of the responsibilities of being a loving husband and father. He shares many experiences with mentors as, together, they sought to spread the message of the Rev. Moon’s vision of a world of peace and love and the ultimate emergence of the “kingdom of heaven” on earth. With passion the author records his personal audiences with the Rev. Moon, as the “father” who guided and sometimes prodded leaders and followers in the young American Unification Church.
The reader will travel with Farley and his wife Betsy from being acquaintances before becoming members of the Unification Church, through their matching and blessing. This deeply personal story unfolds and moves forward with wisdom, contemplation and healing within the rich affective mosaic of husband and wife and the five children that they raised. It explores the ways in which they responded to missions that they recognized would have an impact on their life as a family. It finally introduces their transition to a more settled life, when Farley became an attorney in his family law firm.Many families will identify with the challenges of providing financial security, while responding to the call and pull of a spiritual path.
A profound seeker, thinker and writer, Mr. Jones draws his journey together as he and his wife find fulfillment and healing in meditation, prayer, service and through the ten grandchildren of their later years. Those who read this book will be able to identify with it, cry with it, and discover that God is present in your life, as well as in Farley’s compelling spiritual journey.
A Heart Made Whole is available for purchase in digital or print format on