Alumni Relations

Unification Theological Seminary, has remarkably talented alumni. The successes and achievements of graduates greatly improve the reputation of higher educational institutions and for UTS it is the same.
UTS is proud of its graduates and their accomplishments. The number of areas served is vast: pastoral ministry, the non-profit world, business, finance, real estate, the arts, public education, private education, college and university education and administration, law, medicine and other professions.
UTS benefits by the alumni contributions to the world but also by the alumni support for the Seminary, and acknowledgment of the value of seminary education. Without that kind of feedback from alumni, the future of any seminary would be in doubt and UTS is no different.
Alumni Relations, part of the office of Advancement and Communications, seeks to maintain contact with graduates of all the UTS programs from the first class, the Class of 1977 through till today, from graduates of certificate courses to the graduates with a Doctor of Ministry degree.
There are special events, like Commencement (usually Memorial Day weekend) and class year anniversaries at UTS itself, but there are also local meetings where alumni gather. A number of alumni gatherings are held each year throughout the USA and around the world which provide an opportunity to hear about what is happening at the Seminary, and to suggest ways the Seminary can continue to fulfill its mission in the world.
In support of those meetings, Alumni Relations can provide up-to-date information about UTS; and also help identify alumni in any area of the country or region of the world. UTS alumni are active in ministries in over 65 countries around the world. UTS looks to those far-reaching alumni to give feedback about the relevance of their UTS education and the opportunities which they have explored after UTS.
Throughout this year graduates have been encouraged to make a gift to the 40/40 Campaign to help the next generation of students join the ranks of excellence in theological learning and service. The 40/40 Campaign is in recognition of the 40 years since UTS was founded. The celebration year began on September 20, 2015 and runs through till September 19th of this year. Please join the campaign before September 19th, by contributing $40 per month for 40 months.