Adventures in Innovative Ministry

UTS administrators often attend Association of Theological Schools (ATS) events. Experience shows that it is important for UTS to stay current with the conversations which are part of the theological landscape in North America.
Robin James Graham, UTS Director of Advancement and Communication
8 competencies and support structures that bi-vocational ministers need.
Bi-vocational ministry can play out in a variety of ways. Some choose to do graphic design or hold a retail job with a flexible schedule. Some hold traditional day jobs in business. In my case, bi-vocational ministry has involved two complementary parttime endeavors, with the learnings in each environment helping me serve in the other. What I did not realize is how formational this particular job combination would become. God has taken my bi-vocational ministry and created a Venn diagram of abundant overlap. The result? I have gained an unexpectedly integrated sense of what future ministers need in terms of vocational preparation through theological education.
Continue reading…. Adventures in Innovative Ministry
Carrie Graham is founding pastor at The Church Lab while discerning next steps in her bi-vocational path.