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Hendricks, Tyler O.

Professor Emeritus of Church History

Dr. Tyler Hendricks graduated from HJI in 1978, and completed his Masters and Doctoral degrees in religion at Vanderbilt University. In addition to serving as President of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification in the United States, Dr. Hendricks served as a senior pastor in the New Jersey, Tarrytown, Manhattan and Boston Unification communities.

In the mid-nineties, Dr. Hendricks developed and led the True Family Values Ministry, a Bible-based ecumenical ministry that explores how God works through the family. He authored curricula including “Building a Genesis 1:28 Family” and “Creating a Faithful Christian Marriage,” and a book on community development, Family, Church, Community, Kingdom: Building a Witnessing Church for Working Families

Dr. Hendricks has an array of experience in interfaith affairs, directing the Common Suffering Fellowship and Interdenominational Conferences for Clergy (1984), the first Assembly of the World’s Religions in 1985, and the first Religious Youth Service in 1986. He is the founding editor of the respected interfaith journal, Dialogue and Alliance. He has served as an adjunct professor at HJI since 1982, teaching courses in church history, ministry, apologetics, and the life and thought of Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han Moon. Dr. Hendricks served as president of HJI from 2000 to 2010.

He has over 800 podcasts, videos and articles on his website, “True Parents Way” (

  • Ph.D., Vanderbilt University
  • M.A., Vanderbilt University
  • Dipl. R.E., Unification Theological Seminary


  • True Family Values Ministry curriculum
  • Family, Church, Community, Kingdom: Building a Witnessing Church for Working Families (2000)


  • President of the Unification Church of America from 1995 to 2000
  • President of Unification Theological Seminary from 2000 to 2010