UTS Professor Luonne Rouse Shares Lead Role in American Clergy Leadership Conference

On the cold and frigid morning of Friday, February 1, in sub-zero degree temperatures, Family Federation pastors and Christian ministers gathered in Chicago, IL to attend the American Clergy Leadership Conference (ACLC) 2019 Summit. As more guests arrived, the weather grew warmer with the heartfelt attitude of the clergy. A total of 100 ACLC representatives, coordinators and co-chairs from around the country gathered to welcome the new ACLC National Co-Chairmen and to define the vision for ACLC as it advances toward 2020 and beyond.
Dr. Ki Hoon Kim (UTS’96) and Dr. Luonne Rouse were inaugurated as ACLC’s new Co-Chairmen at the Hilton Chicago Oak Lawn Hotel. On February 2, the following day, the 23rd True Family Values Awards Banquet was held. It was very fitting for the ACLC Summit ‘Launch of a New Era’ to be held in Chicago because of the long and consistent history of working together with Christian churches. After years of work led by Dr. Kim, Dr. Michael Jenkins (UTS’77,’12), Pastor T.L. Barrett and many others, a rich foundation has been laid, which has allowed Chicago to become a great model for expanding ACLC activities.
From Dr. Rouse’s LAPTOP THEOLOGIAN – Sincere Ministry: Ministering from the Heart (published 2015):
“Leadership for sincere ministry is grounded in the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit inspired leaders equips team members with armor for effective sincerity of heart ministries. Local churches should not diminish the active rule of the Holy Spirit in the life of the congregation and community. The essentiality of the church is dismissed, when efforts to lead are void of faith in the supernatural influence. The differentiation between secular leadership and sacred leadership is the acknowledged power of the Holy Spirit.
The core challenge of leadership in the Christian context is to influence people to do effective sincere ministry for the church. When the local church is seen as another financial broker it loses the significance of being the spiritual fitness center, which Jesus arose to lead. Many local churches may be dwindling due to lack of influence in lead people to cooperate and take initiative on desirable outcomes working as a team.
When leadership relies primarily on socialization and modern technology for connectivity, frustration and disappointment are often the results. Leadership shielded with faith and glorifying God through intentional Christian service is most productive in fulfilling the mission on Jesus Christ.”
The Summit began with a greeting from Dr. Kim followed by a moving message. He emphasized three points for success: unity, consistency and ownership. Dr. Rouse shared his inspiring vision for ACLC moving forward. Through his words, it was clear that America can truly build a solid bridge between Family Federation and the foundation of Christianity in America.
Watch: ACLC Summit Chicago – Dr. Rouse
Dr Rouse teaches the following courses
- Marriage and Family Ministry
- History of the Black Church in America
- Pastoral Care and Counseling I
- Pastoral Care and Counseling II
- Theories of Personality
- Theories and Techniques of Counseling
- Practicum in Counseling Marriage and Family
- Counseling Family Therapy Concepts and Methods
- Transformational Leadership for a Postmodern World (D.Min)
- Spiritual Formation and Integration (D.Min)
A similar article first appeared in www.familyfed.org February 5, 2019