Launching the ‘Divine New York…’ pilot

At the end of May the online course DIVINE NEW YORK- How Religions have shaped the Greatest City in the World will be available. Though designed for a wide audience, this example of course creation and social media marketing can also be seen in the context of entrepreneurial ministry. Entrepreneurial ministry is an area of study that UTS is researching, to better serve the needs of UTS students as they pursue their vocational goals.
Skills and resources that are needed to lead customized and innovative programs in the field are at the heart of entrepreneurial ministry. Mastering the marketing of content and courses, especially through social media marketing, has become a gateway to success for many creative ministers.
UTS president, Dr. Hugh D. Spurgin, has encouraged the opportunity to promote UTS and its professors, through state-of-the-art marketing.
The project began by asking some tough questions. For the DIVINE NEW YORK “pilot” we had to begin with the basics: What content are we offering? Who is our target audience? What needs are being met? Which problems are being solved? How is the content to be communicated? These and many more questions have come up as the project unfolded, but step by step the project is nearing completion.
UTS continues to be innovative, and position itself as a thought leader in society and a significant voice in current theological dialogue. Through this type of course creation UTS is showing that communication is key in sharing values. From the UTS website and social media presence, to brochures and events, we are exploring how to communicate UTS values to an ever wider variety of audiences. It is challenging work.
If you would like to support the new online venture please consider an ongoing gift to the 40/40 campaign. Donors who are already giving to the 40/40 Campaign ($40 per month over 40 months) will receive complimentary access to DIVINE NEW YORK when it is published.