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The top 5 qualities of a successful faith-based social entrepreneur

TS administrators often attend Association of Theological Schools (ATS) events. Experience shows that it is important for UTS to stay current with the conversations which are part of the theological landscape in North America. UTS has affiliate status with ATS.

Robin James Graham, UTS Director of Advancement and Communication

When I recently heard Reverend Dr. Paula Williams, former CEO of one of the largest churchplanting organizations in the country, discuss the qualities church-plants should look for in a pastor, I was struck that the qualities were a near mirror image of what I know social venture capitalists and social entrepreneurship incubators look for in individuals poised to launch the next big social venture.

Experts believe that in the earliest stages of launching a new venture—when an idea is new, there is little or no money for it, no structure, and limited understanding of the idea in the culture—the personal qualities of the individual founder are among the leading indicators of success. But what are those key qualities?

Continue reading…. The top 5 qualities of a successful faith-based social entrepreneur

Linda Kay Klein is a writer, consultant, and social entrepreneurship expert. Her book, PURE: Inside the Religious Movement that Shamed a Generation of Young Women—And How We Broke Free, is due out in summer 2018